…or G.A.S., and how to live with it.
Every photographer has the same problem; after indulging in G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome), you need to have a way to carry all this stuff around, and yet still be able to function as a photographer. Usually, this involves getting everything into a bag (or bags), lens cases, belt pouches, things hanging off clips, and various other solutions.
I am no different. I have indulged in a host of camera bags. Each one works well for a specific purpose, but I wanted a way to get rid of the bag entirely if I could. Then I discovered SCOTTeVESTs. These are jackets, coats, pants, etc, designed with one thing in mind; carrying gear around. They are not specifically designed for photographers, but are designed using a “place for everything” strategy. In fact, they seem also to be designed to allow you to carry a whole lot of stuff in your pockets onto planes to get around the ridiculously low cabin baggage limits. Be that as it may ….
After poking around on their website, I decided on the Revolution Plus. This is the perfect jacket for Tasmanian winters, and you can remove the sleeves, etc, in warmer weather. However, I have to admit that I don’t wear it when it’s warm; it’s just too much.
This jacket has 26 pockets (yes, the number after “25” and before “27”) to take all manner of things.

The best thing is that it has a pocket big enough to take a reasonably sized tripod. I used this to carry gear around for photography at the Royal Hobart Show, and being able to stick a tripod in a pocket made it very easy to get around. As you can see, it took my wife’s Three Legged Thing tripod quite easily, with room to spare for other items. It even has two pockets for a phone, both semi-transparent with windows that allow you to use the phone without taking it out of the pocket.

In fact, this photo shows the sort of things you can carry around in one load. Just to list it out, there is a MacBook Air laptop, an iPad, a filter pouch, a memory card case, the aforementioned tripod, an external flash, an iPhone, a Canon M3 mirrorless with lens, two additional lenses, and a water bottle. The jacket even has a special pocket for the water bottle with a restraint to make sure it stays upright. It is a lot, but the jacket has been designed to even out the weight distribution. You do feel the weight, but it’s pretty even so it doesn’t feel uncomfortable or you being pulled down in any particular direction.
It is also extremely waterproof. Take it off, give it a shake, and it is dry. Really.
Below you can see me stylishly modelling the jacket (you can see why I take photos, rather than be in them) and how the tripod fits in.
And, just to prove it’s a full size tripod …
If you are thinking of buying one, there are a couple of things to think about:
- They are not available in Australia yet, so you will have to use the interweb thingie to buy them direct from the U.S.
- Shipping costs
- Sizing. Be careful. This is a U.S. company. They have pretty good sizing charts, so a little care should see you right.
- The Exchange Rate©. You might want to keep an eye on this.
- Sales. SCOTTeVEST regularly has sales that can be up to 50% off.
So, am I happy with this jacket? Yes. Very happy. Does it really carry around all the stuff they say? Yes, and more so.
P.S. When you order, you can get a free copy of the company founder’s book “Pocket Man”. It’s an entertaining read.
P.P.S. No, I don’t get anything for writing this. I just like good gear.